- Blog, corrections
- RJ Check
- AR; Star
- Reader's Workshop
RJ 2.3 T.O. P. 68- 84
- Book Projects due 8-29
It's now my turn to write the blog. Though, it is sad, because, I had to fake bribe Owen in order for him to pick me. First, we began by correcting Owen's blog. After that was done, we took out our Reading Journals, and read aloud to our table partners. We read chapter 4, which was a crazy chapter, in my opinion. A few people shared, such as Kaio, and Ian, as usual. Then, Ms. Nakada told us how to login to A.R. to take quizzes on the books we read over the summer. Now, everyone is beginning their quizzes, and it's finally quiet. I did my quiz on The Outsiders, and Edie did her quiz on The Hate U Give. When people have finished their quizzes, they started Reader's Workshop. Jacob read My Hero Academia, Olivia read The Sun Is Also A Star, while many others, like: Edie, Nicholas, Owen, and Andria read, The Outsiders.
Now, the bell rang, and everyone packs up to go to their next class.
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