Emma's first blog

Blog corrections
reader's workshop
Essay Basics
Writer's workshop
HW: RJ 6.1-6.4 signed and
Book projects due Friday!

I wanna start off by saying that I was scared to write this blog. We started by listening to Edie read her blog. She had included almost everyone in her blog. I mean, she wanted to. Thanks Edie, I guess, for choosing me. After she chose me, Ms. Nakada was checking half of the classes song of the week notes. She was also checking our homework. Everyone else was reading a book, and some people were talking. I didn't get to look at what people were reading.

As Ms. Nakada was finishing checking everyone's song of the week and homework, we moved to talking about the essay. She passed out a paper that you had to choose a prompt for your essay. I believe that Ms. Nakada said that we start Friday, and it's due Tuesday, but I'm not sure.

Well, nothing really happened while they were writing, so I'm going to talk about how scared I was to write the blog. Gabby and I were walking to third period, and she was talking about how Edie might choose me. When we entered the class room, I was scared you have no idea. You can even ask Lupe if I was scared. As I listened to Edie read her blog, I was shaking.

Alright, that's all I have to say. As I was looking around to see what people were doing, I saw Gabby and Edie blowing kisses to each other. Gabby loves Edie. What a cute couple. She told us to pack up, and the bell rang. Bye, fellow classmates.
