English scores
Reader's Workshop
RJ 3.2
T.O. p.100-118
I have been chosen to be the blogger today; I wonder if this is a good or bad thing. I looked at Isabelle, and she looked back at me, and I knew that I was the chosen one to be sacrificed. We started off the day correcting Isabelle's blog, which again did not contain many mistakes. Then, everyone began sharing their HW from last night, and I overheard Andria's fantastic summary, and I also overheard Sophie's amazing summary. Isabelle shared her summary to the class, and Ms. Nakada called everyone, "heartless readers." She called us this because we did not cry at the reunion of Darry, Soda and Pony.
After, we went over T.O. and we talked about certain pages in the chapter we had read for homework last night. Ms. Nakada went over Pony's opinion on Cherry being a spy, the fact that Jerry told Pony he shouldn't be smoking, and, of course, Darry and Pony not being mad at each other anymore. We transitioned over to English scores, and we got to see all our work which we have completed in the last three weeks. We proceeded to write down all of the work and what we got on it in a page in our English notebooks. After completing English Scores we got to do reader's workshop, and lots of people were reading the T.O. and lots of people were taking star tests. I did spy Edie reading It's Kind of a Funny Story, Sean reading The Boy in the Black Suit, and Ariel not reading at all. Ms. Nakada told Nick to retake his test because he rushed through it, and the whole class laughed. [:( ] The bell then rang, and we went on with our Wednesday afternoon. The worst part about being a blogger is having a whole paragraph of work and it being deleted because I DIDN'T PRESS SAVE.
English scores
Reader's Workshop
RJ 3.2
T.O. p.100-118
I have been chosen to be the blogger today; I wonder if this is a good or bad thing. I looked at Isabelle, and she looked back at me, and I knew that I was the chosen one to be sacrificed. We started off the day correcting Isabelle's blog, which again did not contain many mistakes. Then, everyone began sharing their HW from last night, and I overheard Andria's fantastic summary, and I also overheard Sophie's amazing summary. Isabelle shared her summary to the class, and Ms. Nakada called everyone, "heartless readers." She called us this because we did not cry at the reunion of Darry, Soda and Pony.
After, we went over T.O. and we talked about certain pages in the chapter we had read for homework last night. Ms. Nakada went over Pony's opinion on Cherry being a spy, the fact that Jerry told Pony he shouldn't be smoking, and, of course, Darry and Pony not being mad at each other anymore. We transitioned over to English scores, and we got to see all our work which we have completed in the last three weeks. We proceeded to write down all of the work and what we got on it in a page in our English notebooks. After completing English Scores we got to do reader's workshop, and lots of people were reading the T.O. and lots of people were taking star tests. I did spy Edie reading It's Kind of a Funny Story, Sean reading The Boy in the Black Suit, and Ariel not reading at all. Ms. Nakada told Nick to retake his test because he rushed through it, and the whole class laughed. [:( ] The bell then rang, and we went on with our Wednesday afternoon. The worst part about being a blogger is having a whole paragraph of work and it being deleted because I DIDN'T PRESS SAVE.
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