Katie's First Blog


-Blog corrections
-Inktober: Legend
-RJ check
-T.O. Book v. Movie QW
-HW:RJ 9.2 I.O&B.A pg.38-70

Okay, so let me start off by saying, thanks Jason, what an amazing ''little brother'' you are. Now to actually talk about what's going on in class. We started with Inktober which was legend today. Ms. Nakada gave us six minutes to draw and also told the class that if we want to use our phones for an idea on what we want to draw, we have to ask her. The time was up for Inktober and now were talking about the homework from last night. Ms. Nakada then goes on to asking if anyone wanted to share what  they wrote but no one wanted to. We are now looking at a poem thats in the book, and Ms.Nakada asks if anyone got hungry while reading the poem since it involved food a lot, which then Gabby says that she's always hungry, so that was a yes for her, I guess. To be fair though, everyone is always getting hungry. Anyways, there is a poem in the book that's titled "Inside Out" and that led to Ms. Nakada asking if anyone did that poem for their homework, which I think no one did but I could be wrong. The class is talking about the Kim Family and the meaning behind their names. One is Quang which is the oldest,Vu which is kung-fu guy, and Khoi, the sensitive brother. All the class is doing now is talking about the poems in the book and what happened and what the poems mean. Ms. Nakada asks the class what they think about the book. Some people say that they like it and some don't because they rather have books that is like story,if that makes any sense. Alright, well the bell rang, so BYE ! Oh, let me include that Jason and Lupe came and checked up on how I did, so gotta love that. Okay, okay, bye for real now.
