Elliot's 2nd blog

Blog corrections
NaNo stats
Writer's workshop

 15% tonight

Alright, here we go again. Personally, I'm glad I get to do the blog on a Tuesday, so I can have an excuse for having a short blog. Ok, we started the day by correcting Sam's blog. Then, Ms. Nakada told us to take out our writing packets and to go to the back to the chart. Then, she told us to go sign in to the NaNoWriMo website and to find out what the daily word count is. My second day, apparently, has -50 words probably because I deleted my progress and because I was in the car the entire day.

Now, we started writing our novels. I looked back and saw Lawrence sitting alone in the middle. I was really didn't write much since I had to do this blog and I'm a really bad multitasker. I sometimes get so into things that I sometimes forget that I have other things to do so I do a lot of one thing and not a lot of the other.

Okay, I'm going to start writing my novel now, and I only have about ten minutes left. Dang. Let's just say the bell rang, and we all leave for fourth period. This blog is really short, but I had a short day to write it. Now, let's see how Ulyses does the second time writing a blog, and let's hope it is the same as last time.

안녕 (Goodbye)
