Jacob's Blog: The Sequel

- Blog corrections
- Graduation requirements
- Fall Semester Grades
- Reader/Writer's Workshop
- RJ 11.4 homework

     I guess I'm doing the blog today. I was very confused when I heard my name but, anyway, after we corrected Nick's blog there was an argument. Ms. Nakada went off (hey, I said that in the first one :0) on Owen about both his tile counting abilities and his pants.

     So right now, Ms. Nakada is talking about graduation requirements. She said that it was possible to graduate even if you fail two classes. Now, she's saying that you can't graduate with more than two Us. Then she said you can't have more than 9 absences. Basically she was just saying common sense things, and also said not to do drugs. I looked behind me, and everyone is looking bored. That doesn't make sense because drugs aren't boring.

     Now, we are getting to stuff about our grades. I'm looking at the board and seeing that the AR 100% is worth fifty points, which scares me. I look back again and instead of being bored some people were looking scared too. I checked my goals and I think I should be fine, but now Ms. Nakada said we have an English final too. Now I'm scared as... wait I can't say that. Oops! Now we're having Reader's Workshop so peace out blog. Gotta read so I can get in more quizzes. And Ariel.
