Elliot's Third Blog


Blog Corrections

Q. Q. Song

Lit. circle summaries 


RJ 3.1 Read for 20-30 min. 

Alright. Here we go again. I sometimes hate my life. I told Nikko at Nutrition to not choose me, but he did anyway. I hate doing the blog on Mondays because I have to do the quote, question, song in the blog too. The quote for this week was, "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view," said Atticus from TKAM by Harper Lee. This quote means to not judge someone unless you know them and go through what they experienced, I think. 

Okay, they were talking about the loss of Kobe Bryant while trying to answer the question of the week which was, how do you/we/society handle loss/grief? For me, personally, I haven't really experiencced grief so I don't really know how to react.

Now, we listen to the song of the week which was "La Bamba" by Los Lobos and Ritchie Valenz. I hate doing blogs on Mondays because I also have to write everything in my journal too so I have to catch up in my journal and write at the same time. 

Next, Ms. Nakada told us to take out our literature circle summaries and said she is going to grade the last four entries. We started with THUG, but no one read it in our class so Ms. Nakada filled us in. Next, was TKAM and we all expressed our hate for the chapter on Ms. Dubose. (Geez. I'm saying hate a lot.) No one read March so we are done with that. For All American Boys we talked about people taking sides. Either on the cop's side or Rashad's side.

Finally, we made a t-chart on people who took a stand in the book we are reading. While everyone was writing their examples, Ms. Nakada played "La Bamba" for us. The bell rang and we all left for fourth period.

나는 내 인생을 싫어 [I hate my life in Korean].
