Ms. Nakada's Virtual Classroom: Day 7

Agenda: independent study
Essay editing strategies
Read 20-30 minutes

Hey all. Happy Tuesday! Today's blog will be a little shorter because it's a short Tuesday. 🤣

But really, it will be shorter: shorter blog and shorter Zoom call. 1:00 - 1:30 because teachers have a meeting at 1:30 so... make sure you have questions ready for tomorrow. 

Ok, so today you're editing your essays. Yesterday you revised and looked to strengthen the meaning of your writing. You are making sure all of your evidence supports your thesis. 

Today you are checking:

your academic vocabulary (do you vary your word choices)
writer’s sentence formations vary in structure (do your sentences start differently and vary in length or do you sound like a robot.)
writer uses correct capitalization and punctuation (check for caps for all names and titles!)
writer uses consistent, formal language POV, verb tense, and active voice (present tense, third person and take out all "me"s and "I" s)
writer exhibits few errors in spelling or grammar usage (spell check and read it aloud as if you were checking the blog). 

 Make sure you do this before you get ready to submit your essay. 

You should rewrite it or type it so it is your best work. Show me what you can do!

Assignment is now up in Schoology so you can submit it there. 

Our Zoom class today is at 1 and I'll do my best not to mute myself... 

I can't wait to read your brilliant words!


  1. I completely forgot to check in after I read the blog *cries* - Gabby

  2. Replies
    1. Nicholas Barber-ChoiMarch 24, 2020 at 9:21 PM

      also you I think you wrote of instead of or in You should rewrite it of type it so it is your best work. Show me what you can do!

  3. Sorry, I forgot to comment, but Eva and I were here :)


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