Blog corrections
15 week grades
writer's workshop
NaNoWriMo 24% tonight
Extra Credit:
10 points for a THANK YOU letter to Gloria Gostnell for InkTober supplies.
Thank you for choosing me, Ulyses. I didn't really want to go today, but it looks like he chose me because I chose him during the first round of blogs. "Sweet revenge," Ulyses said. We started off the period by correcting Ulyses' blog. He said that the hopefully the next person will actually try, which I will do. He also hoped that the next person would live a long/meaningful life, but I don't think I will do that.
Ms. Nakada had everyone take out their English notebooks. The class added ten assignments to their notebooks, including some R.J. checks and NaNoWriMo assignments. Sean, Nick, Lindsey, Sam, and Olivia passed out assignments for people to put in their portfolios, and the students wrote down the letter grade, percentage, and score they got on each assignment. Since there is not much action going on, I'm going to give every person in the class a shoutout. Here we go: Andria, Amanda, Sean, Jaxon, Nikko, Raven, Katie, Isabelle, Owen, Vince, Sammarah, Ulyses, Elliot, Sophie, Kaio, Ella, Jason, Jocelyn, Lawrence, Ian, Olivia, Liliana, Jacob, Henry, Nick, Eva, Ariel, Guadalupe, Kelsey, Nicholas, An'ya, Yasmine, Edie, Emma, Gabby, Balint, Sam, and Lindsey. I went by seating arrangements, so I may have accidentally left someone out.
Yasmine waved at me, Elliot gave me my portfolio, and Lawrence asked Ms. Nakada a question. Sean glared at me, and Ulyses put his head down on the desk. Typical. Next, everyone started writing their novels. I saw some people type furiously at their keyboard, and others stared at the wall, thinking about what to write about. I have reached the point in my novel where I'm not really sure how to move on with my story, or how to include more rising action. However, I have thought of some ideas for my rising action, so hopefully that will help get my brain juices flowing and help me continue on with my story.
Ms. Nakada proceeded to walk around the classroom and assisting some students with their novels. I saw almost everyone in the class hard at work on their novel. All the students in this class are such kings and queens, working hard.
Some additional things that happened include: Lawrence waved at me, Andria threw peace signs at me, and Raven walked into the classroom. Ms. Nakada then asked each student what percentage they were at in their novel, as usual. Olivia had reached 55%, which meant that she got a prize! I didn't catch what prize she chose, but everyone clapped for her. She's such a scholar.
That wraps up my blog. It probably has at least ten mistakes, but it's okay. Good luck to the next person doing the blog! ☺
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